questions & answers

Where and when did the first Crazy Pita open?

Las Vegas, NV in 2006.

Is Crazy Pita a publicly or privately held company?

We are a privately held company.

If I don’t meet financial requirements, can I partner with someone who does?


Can I purchase a single location?

Yes, single and multi-unit agreements in a variety of markets are available.

Does Crazy Pita provide financing?

No, you must meet the minimum capital requirements and then secure your own financing.

Who will find the site for me to develop?

You should enlist the help of a local commercial realtor and submit potential sites to us for review.

How long does it take to open my restaurant?

Following the signing of your lease, construction time is typically 3-4 months. After you sign the FDD, you will engage in the site selection process. The process along with site approvals and lease negotiations can be lengthy process and is impacted by a variety of factors.

What type of ongoing support is provided?

Ongoing support will be provided in the form of pre-opening guidance and assistance, grand opening PR and operational support, corporate marketing initiatives, ongoing training, website and email system management, and founders visits. Our team is always available to assist you.

Where is the corporate headquarters?

2225 Village Walk Drive #175
Henderson, NV 89052

What are the minimum financial requirements?

We require you have access to a minimum of $250,000 in liquid assets and $500,000 net worth (for single unit).

Is previous food service experience required?

Yes, however, if you do not have restaurant experience, you may partner with someone who does.

What are the Crazy Pita franchising fees?

The initial investment fee is $45,000 and there is a 4% royalty fee as well as a 1% marketing fee.

Does Crazy Pita purchase real estate on behalf of the franchisee?

No, you will be responsible for purchasing or leasing your property.

What is the term of the franchise agreement?

The term of the initial franchise agreement is 10 years with two 5-year optional renewals.

What initial training is required?

Two operators will attend our Initial Training Program at our headquarters in Las Vegas, NV. This program will cover all facets of learning from operational to administrative duties.

What is my next step?

Fill out the request for information form for review by our corporate team.

I would like to purchase a multi-unit territory and don’t have a managing partner. Will you manage the restaurants in my territory for me?

Yes, we will manage your territory under a management agreement.

information request form

This information is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. It is for informational purposes only. An offer or solicitation can only be made by a franchise disclosure document. This communication is not directed to residents of any jurisdiction that requires registration of a franchise prior to offering and selling a franchise in such jurisdiction No franchises will be sold to any resident of any such jurisdiction until the offering has been registered and declared effective by such jurisdiction and the required offering circular has been delivered to the prospective franchisee in compliance with applicable law.

At the present time, we are not registered in any of the following states, and therefore, do not and cannot solicit franchise sales in or direct offers to these states: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.